Tuesday 20 November 2012

Still Life - Vehicle

This is a 2 hour study of a vintage car created using an 8B graphite stick. The chosen vantage point shows 3 sides of the vehicle and so three-point perspective was used to accurately portray the dimensions of the vehicle. There are some issues with the perspective where the back of the car seem too thin and doesn’t quite line up with the interior, the front headlamp on the right doesn’t seem to be big enough, and the line showing the car door is at a slightly off angle, so greater care could be taken in future to prevent this as these problem areas distract from the rest of the image. 

High contrasting tone is used to show the shiny elements of the black metal trim. Light is also shown through the use of tone, and the dark shadow under the vehicle and to its side creates depth and helps show the vehicle in relation to its surroundings.

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