Tuesday 20 November 2012

Still Life - Scarf

This is a charcoal study of an arrangement of scarves on a table. The vantage point shows the arrangement in such a way that creates a line from the top of the scarves and curves around the table. A range of tonal values is used to show light and shadow, which creates depth, however this is preventing the textures of the scarves to be apparent; the scarf at the front seems to have a smooth shiny texture rather than a woollen one, this is less of an issue with the scarf at the back which is more textured. This was not helped by the choice of media; charcoal smudges easily and so texture was lost throughout the process, had the scale been a lot larger, it would have been possible to focus on accurately showing the texture of the scarf using charcoal, but on a smaller scale the texture was lost in exchange for tone.

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