Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Landscape - Atrium Exterior

This is a 1 hour soft pastille study of a building exterior with a vantage point that shows more than one side of the building to show two-point perspective. The study is on coloured paper to provide a mid-tone, so only highlights and shadows need to be added; this was done unsuccessfully as the colours used try to closely match their real life colour, and the chosen mid-tone colour is wrong in most cases, causing some areas to be overloaded with colour to try correct this.

Colour is used to show the reflective properties of the roof that is visible; however this was only partially successful as the long time frame the image was created over meant that the sky changed over time, and the colours used to create the overcast sky do not quite match up with the colours of the roof, put down when the sky was clear, and end up making the roof look too blue. The harsh shadows on the roof also appear off as the colouring is not right; the area seems detached from the rest of the roof, this could have been prevented by highlights carrying on through the shadow rather than missing at the edges of the shadow, and by working over the lighter coloured guidelines that show where the shadow ends.

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